
QRAD3 Errors

if you have any answers to these errors or have errors to add then please email us.

  • trian->numedges > MAX_TRI_EDGES-2
      You have a face that's too complex for qrad3 to handle.
  • trian->numtris >= MAX_TRI_TRIS
      You have a face that's too complex for qrad3 to handle.
  • trian->numpoints == MAX_TRI_POINTS
      You have a face that's too complex for qrad3 to handle.
  • SampleTriangulation: no points
      You have a face with no points.
  • Surface to large to map
      You have a surface that's too big. Note that this uses the texture coordinates to check this, so using very small scales for textures can give you this error too. Split your face into several small ones.
  • Bad l->type
      The lightmaps for this map are too big. Related to the Surface to large to map. If you don't want to make your map smaller, you can use the same principles as for solving the above problem, ie. increase the texture scales. If you have large outdoor areas with lots of big cliff faces, try setting the scale there to 2 or 3.
  • num_patches == MAX_PATCHES
      For better results, qrad3 chops all your faces up to a maximum size of 64x64 (simplified explanation). These parts are called patches. Big faces get split up to more patches than small. This error means that while chopping faces, qrad3 reached its maximum number of patches. If you don't want to make your map smaller, you can call qrad3 with the -chop option, and make it chop of the faces to 128x128, or some other larger value, which will reduce the number of patches.
  • numplanes + fakeplanes >= MAX_MAP_PLANES
      Your map contains too many rotating things. Simply or make the rest of the map smaller.
      The map is too big, it exceeds some of Quake 2/qbsp3/qrad3/qvis3's internal maximums. Simplify, make it smaller, or split it up.
  • Weird numtransfers
  • Memory allocation failure
      Buy more ram or increase the size of your swap file
  • Couldn't open %s
      your bsp file is missing, corrupted, or open in another program
  • negative patch totallight
  • Empty map
      you have to build a map before running qrad3 on it
  • usage: qrad [-v] [-chop num] [-scale num] [-ambient num] [-maxlight num] [-threads num] bspfile
      you have to specify the name of the bsp file. ex qrad3 imdumb.bsp

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